Saturday, October 25, 2008

DAS@MXit on Morning Live

Yesterday morning the Reconstructed project had the privilege to be on SABC 2 Morning Live. It was a great opportunity to present the Drug Advice and Support on MXit (DAS@MXit) to the rest of the nation. We never knew what implications this would have until we saw the response in our system. Within 5 minutes while being on air we had to accept more than 300 people to the service. A day later we've added more than 2000 people to our service. We should reach 3000 contacts by the end of the weekend. This means that we now have to acquire more equipment and train up more people to assist with this project to ensure that we can deliver the service we intended when starting DAS@MXit. We also have people subscribing to the service from neighbouring countries.

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